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Questions and Answers
So i went to find myself in college.
6 years later, 136 completed credit hours, a 3.32 g.p.a., all the pre-req's for nursing out the way, and awarded an associates of liberal arts and sciences from penn state.
I live in an extremely economically depressed area. I know every where is now but here especially.
I have 4 acres available.
I want to garden, landscape, and have chickens for eggs, and maybe a goat.
I've had over 80 jobs since highschool. You think it i've done it or been in it.
I know how to excavate, lay footers, frame, roof, install wiring, gutters, carpet, drywall,..etc.
I know small engine repair, i can cut down trees with axes and chainsaws, i can dig post holes and clean ovens.
I've raised my puppy dog for 7 years now.
I've cooked for myself since i was 6.
I've grown raised bed and level gardens. Tomatoes, peas, peppers, corn, apple trees, pear trees and advacado trees.
Etc., etc., etc.
So, do i just build it?
Or do i have to be certified or licensed to own my own botanical eden?
I have my matic, pinch bar, and wheel barrow ready:)
and i really really dont want to go get/finish my 4 year degree. Its a broken game as far as im concerned.
But i dont wanna live under a bridge in a cardboard box either.
Hints / suggestions?

It's called Homesteading. More and more people are doing it.
Mother Earth News magazine is a good resource for info on homesteading. There are lots of other resources. See Links
It must be a catalog that can be mailed to my house (price don't matter)

Phat Farm has great urban wear, and I think that my brotha's look so damn good in a pair of phat farm jeans slightly hanging off that a**. There's also a line of clothing out from the mother of Tupac that look soooo good. LL cool J also has a clothing line out now too. His are more urban chic, which is really nice. You can NEVER go wrong with Sean John, all of Puffy things are HOT. Check out the Vibe magazine. Good Luck!
I looked it up and the posts were from two years ago so I was hoping for something recent.
Is it legal to grow your own food in the state of Wisconsin?
In urban areas, not farms.
No no, I mean vegetables and fruits.

Better Homes and Garden Magazines are a great resource for urban home gardens. It is published in Iowa, so it should have great resources for Wisconsin temperatures, too.
Better homes and Gardens at: Http://www.bhg.com/
They have great books and magazines on how to grow almost any type of plant or garden. You can find their books and magazines at Home Depot, Lowe's and Orchard Supply and Hardware.
Good luck and have fun gardening!
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2 Responses to “Urban Farming Magazine”
Another great resource I found is: https://backyardchickenbarn.com. Although the site is heavily chicken focused.I find the information they share to be simple, easy to understand, helpful and very detailed.
It’s a shame that the entire site appears to be AI written and none of the links work.
Wasting your time driving traffic to something that’s broken.