Questions and Answers

It depends on their age. If you mean there are no parents, you will have to stuff alot of food into them and teach them how to forage for them selves. Tame/barnyard duck are the same as Mallards. Maybe you can have them fostered on a farm with ducks. Have you investigated whether you need to turn them over to fish and game? If they have parents or are old enough to find their own food, besure there is plentyof high quality food for them.
I need to know how many pounds of food one duck will need every day. I've heard anything from 1/2 a pound up to 2 1/2 pounds. Does anyone have any experience with ducks? Please help! Keep in mind, I'm not raising these ducks as pets. I'm going to eat them eventually.
I've tried googling, but I can't find a NUMBER. They all say ducks eat anything and everything, but not how many pounds. Please help!

I found this on the USDA web site. Hope it helps, a lot of information but helpful.
Feeding Ducks
Ducks are raised as pets on small ponds or lakes, for release in hunting preserves or conservation areas, and for eating purposes. The mallard is the most popular duck breed in the United States. Domestic ducks, such as the White Pekin and the Muscovy, are also popular. The commercial duck industry in the United states relies primarily on the White Pekin for meat production.
A combination of good nutrition and proper management are essential for raising healthy ducks. Maximum efficiency for growth and reproduction can be obtained by using commercially prepared diets. Because pet ducks are generally raised on open ponds or lakes, they are subject to predation. Predators that can damage your duck flock include: turtles, owl, hawks, raccoons, skunks, opossums, cats, and dogs. If possible, your ducks should be maintained in an enclosure that prevents predator access. If predation becomes a problem, recognition of the predator is imperative. Contact the state Conservation Department or Wildlife Resource Commission on the methods and legalities of removing predators from your property.
Feed Quality
Good commercially prepared duck feed, is available from most local feed stores. Some large duck operations may find mixing the complete feed on the farm to be less expensive than purchasing it from a commercial source. Regardless of whether feed is purchased or mixed on the farm, it must be stored away from rodents and insects in a clean, dry place to prevent contamination and mold growth. A pair of rats can eat or contaminate over 100 lbs of feed in a year. Use the feed within 3 weeks of the manufacturer's date and sooner during hot, humid weather to prevent loss of vitamins and mold formation. Stale or bad-smelling feed is evidence of spoilage and possible mold contamination. Never use feed that is moldy because some molds produce toxins which could cause serious health problems or poor growth. Ducks are extremely sensitive to mold toxins. For example, ducks are sensitive to as little as 30 of ppb aflatoxin. Mold toxins can cause damage to the ducks' digestive organs, liver, kidneys, muscles, and plumage, and can also reduce growth and/or reproductive performance.
The quality of feed ingredients is also very important. Do not use grains that are contaminated with molds, weed seeds, or dirt. Avoid using old vitamin/mineral packs because they lose their effectiveness with time, especially if they are exposed to sunlight or heat.
Feed Form
High quality pelleted feed is important to maximize the growth rate and feed efficiency of ducks. Performance will decrease as the amount of fines in a pelleted feed increases. Commercial pellet binders are often used to limit fines and improve pellet integrity. Although ducks can be fed mash feed, growth performance will be reduced by about 10% in comparison to that of ducks fed pelleted feed and feed wastage will be increased.
Ducklings should be fed a starter diet from hatch to 2 weeks of age. The starter diet should be fed as 1/8 inch (3.18 mm) diameter pellets or as crumbles. After 2 weeks of age, feed a grower diet as 3/16 inch (4.76 mm) diameter pellets.
Feeders and Waterers
Growing ducks should be allowed free access to feed and water at all times. Proper feeder and waterer height, maintenance and sanitation are essential for achieving uniform flock growth and health. Small feeders should be used until the ducklings are 2 weeks of age. Larger feed hoppers should be used for older ducks. The feeder pan height should be at a level even with the back of the average duck. Waterer pan height should be even with the lower neck area of the average duck and water nipples should be adjusted at a slightly higher level. Feeders and waterers that are too low result in excessive wastage. Those that are too high restrict feed and water access to the smallest ducks and thus increase size variation in the flock.
My aunt found a group of eggs under a fallen tree. In total there were 5 eggs and 3 were smashed open. She left them alone and waited to see if the momma came back, never did. (we had a bad storm and think something may have happened to her). So she went and got the other two eggs, and was taking care of them, they finally hatched about a week ago and a few days later one of them got too weak and died. The other is big and strong now.
My question is what are things a baby duck needs to survive. Hes eating food and drinking water. We put him in a small 5foot long 3foot wide and 2foot deep pond and he loved it. His oil gland is working and he seems fine. But im just being a worry wart.
Any advice?

Go to Google. You might have saved the dead one by doing research. "raising baby mallards" will do it.
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