Questions and Answers
I have a friend who just got a rooster and a couple of chickens as "pets" in North Bergen, New Jersey (house dwelling).
Is this legal??? I'd think it would be really annoying to the neighbors. I went to animal and tried to do a serach, but couldn't get a match for the description I put in. Does anyone know anything about the code/law for this sort of thing, or how I'd do an appropriate search to get the information I'm curious about? (His neighbors are complaining about the rooster crowing, and I warned him he'd probably get cited, but can't back it up. I thought it might be a noise decibel complaint, at the least!)

Well, that sounds annoying and potentially abusive to the rooster. If you can't find it online, call the local courthouse or Humane Society office.
Hi, Yes i am indeed wanting to show a chicken or turkey at my 4-H show this year but the only problem is i do not live on a farm and i live in a neighborhood. Would i be better off owning a few ducks in my backyard? Because i Do have a fairly nice sized pond?? PLEASE HELP ME.
Ki8900 you have been very usefull and i would like to thank you.

I would try to first check out the city zoning laws. You would be surprised but many cities are fine with owning a few hens. Roosters are, however, often not an option.
I would recommend a few hens instead of ducks, they are incredibly messy! If you want help raising urban chickens there is lots available.
Http:// = a great urban hen coop
Http:// = backyard poultry magazine
Http:// and Http://… are both city chicken websites.
I was a 4-H poultry leader for years – you will love it!
What are some similarities and differences between Michael Pollan and Wendell Berry and their views of agriculture and industrialism?

Urban agrarians? Wendell Berry and Michael Pollan on food, farming and community Http://… ————- Michael Pollan on Wendell Berry Http://… ———– Wendell Berry’s Wisdom
By Michael Pollan The Nation, September 2, 2009 Http://… —————
Michael Pollan: People Are Finally Talking About Food, and You Can Thank Wendell Berry for That
Wendell Berry's now-famous formulation, "eating is an agricultural act" — is perhaps his signal contribution to the rethinking of food and farming under way today. Http://…
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