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Questions and Answers
Are there any grocery stores on union square or near there?

In addition to William's list here are a few more
Safeway at Jackson and Davis
Urban Market at 9th and Harrison
There is also a Bristol Farms in the Westfield Shopping center at 5th and Market.
Can someone please sort this out for me???
Concert hall
gravel pit
drive-in movie
old navy "big box" store
bus terminal
wheat fields
conservation area
pig farm
train station
car plant
apple orchard.

Urban Area
concert hall
train station
bus terminal
Suburban Area
drive-in movie
old navy "big box" store
Rural-urban fringe
car plant
gravel pit
Rural Area
wheat fields
conservation area
pig farm
apple orchard.
Just curious, I'd love to hear your ideas. I think that if we are able to perfect space transportation, we could find a planet suitable for solely agriculture. And we'd process plants like factories or something with lots of conveyor belts. But there are also those labs where they grow plants efficiently. How do you think it will look? And if you find any pictures of what you're talking about it would really help me visualize it.

With urban sprawl everyday agriculture is having to change they are needing to produce more with less land and resources. It is my fear that with this all too soon farms will be too small to provide enough food for all the people on this earth. If people of the US continue to misunderstand the importance of agriculture we will fall as a nation and people will begin to starve. With this it will no longer be the farmers job to take care of the people, but rather themselves and we will move more towards a less established country where agriculturalist feed themselves + 20 more tops.
Now if we continue to educate I believe that people will take on the importance of agriculture and stick up for it. It is the ONE think that keeps us the strongest country in the world. If it was money or people or education or anything else we could have been surpassed a long time ago. I thing that with this route people will continue to go to farmers markets and garden their own fresh fruits and veggies. They will question the product after processing and not after harvest. If food is looked at as dangerous it will not come from the people who grew it, but the people who packed it shipped it and put it on the shelves in stores. Large farms will need to continue to mass produce. This is not a bad thing as the MUST produce enough food for our country and then some. The US is the safest producer of food with the USDA there to police how things are taken care of. It is also important that as this occurs they are also taking care of the land, because that is the one resource that when it is gone its gone… I predict agriculture will be taken a lot more seriously in this scenario and people will begin to empathize with the producer. Understanding the weight that they have on their shoulders.
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