Questions and Answers
Trying to do a backyard chicken coop with 4 hens. Need something nice, not to large, and not to small. Also it needs to be safe so predators can't get to them. Any suggestions?

Try PVC w/rubber coated mesh: Http://…
Wooden floor in goose coop what should i put down (straw, newspaper, both, something else?)

Regardless of the type of goose coop you plan to construct, it is important to take the needs of your birds into consideration when building goose coops.
The goose coop you've built must keep rodents and other pests out. The coop should also be strong enough to withstand the digging or scraping of a fox, dog and other larger predators. Small pests such as rats, mice, snakes, and other critters may also wreck havoc in a poultry flock. Such problems can easily be prevented with thoughtful, proactive construction including fences, strong foundations and covered ventilation holes.
There are many different flooring material choices for backyard hobbyists. The most economical is plain ol' dirt, packed down firmly to create a sturdy foundation. However, such floors are very vulnerable to rodents. Dirt floors also do not provide the best insulation during the winter, to say nothing of the chore of cleaning a dirt floor.
Concrete, if installed properly, is an excellent alternative to dirt floors. It is also the most expensive, though its easy-to-clean surface makes it the most sanitary flooring option. A goose coop with a concrete floor is not only a breeze to clean, but also rodent-proof.
In-between concrete and dirt on the cost scale is wood-based flooring. Wooden flooring is relatively easy to install in your goose coop. However, it may be susceptible rotting (especially the wood under the bird waterers) and is not especially sanitary. It is also not rodent-proof (then again, very few things are!). However, due to its lower costs, wood goose coop floors are typically popular among goose hobbyists.
I have 5 hens and wanted to know which one would be best or if there all bad. I have 3 pullets and 2 hybirds from tyson
Coop one.
Coop 2.
Coop 3.
Coop 4.
Coop 5.

Coop 5 would be your best bet. I would recommend to maybe try and build your own coop for the chickens, based on their size and how much room they will have to run around.
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2 Responses to “Backyard Poultry Coops”
I need to redo my roosts, right now I have 1x2s withe the 2″ side flat. Where can I find plans just for roosts? Thankyou so much.
G’Day Terry,
I don’t use plans as such. I just hang the roost from the roof, nail/screw the ends into the side frame and angle them across from side to back if they are not long enough to go all the way across the coop. I wouldn’t use anything but wood for a roost.
I normally like to use a round roost rather than rectangular or square roost as I believe that round is a more natural roost shape and kinder on their feet. I use wooden dowelling if I have to but I actually prefer to use a branch from a bush or tree that is about the size your birds feet would fit about 3/4 of the way around. That gives them something to grip on to but it’s not too small or too large for them. Being perfectly round is not an issue and oval shape will also work fine.